Saturday, December 09, 2006

little pictures

i probably shouldn't be posting this since it's incomplete, but... our good friend isaac holk has been working on a poster/flier/promotional piece for the film and he sent me a partial/rough draft last night. anyway, it pretty much kicks ass, so i thought i would post a few small pieces of the incomplete work... enjoy.

additionally, if any of you were at the norfolk & western show last night you might have noticed a couple of annoying people roaming around the stage with video cameras. that would have been us and our friend, chad crouch, whose record label, hush, has contributed a number of songs to the soundtrack for 'almost everything.' anyway, we're hoping to have future multi-media collaborations with hush and will keep you updated on any news there.

so long for now...

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

multiple medias

as per previous posts, i'm dropping some multi-media on all you chumps.

the following are a couple of stand-alone scenes that you may or may not have seen on our myspace page. youtube still sorta sucks (at least as far as a/v quality is concerned), but it's obviously also the most convenient way to spread the video.

here you go:

Friday, November 03, 2006

slow going...

so it's been a little while. i don't wanna say we've been slacking exactly, but let's just say that our television consumption has seen a sharp spike since the film got sent of to sundance. anyway... no word yet on that whole sundance thing. and being as no news is good news, we're just fine with that.

but, so, yeah... we've started back into polishing the whole thing. not much to talk about there, really. only boring-type stuff - running final color correction, re-recording of the some of the music (tho, i have to comment on this one thing: due to the complications of scheduling legitimate recording sessions with everybody in parks & recreation, ljb has taken up the herculean task of re-creating and recording his own versions of a couple of their tracks, featuring support from jake powell and a few others and vocals by michael johnson and chad crouch, which will appear in the final cut of the film. i don't know if you realize how impressive that is, but trust me, it's pretty damn impressive), working out the details of creating a dvd, etc. so, yeah, boring stuff to talk about, but it's gotta be done, hasn't it?

in other news, we've got a couple of writing projects we've started on. though, of course, we cannot discuss them with you as we know you're a plageristic bunch and would likely steal our million-dollar ideas and claim them as your own, if we gave you the opportunity. which, we're not going to do, by the way, so forget about it.

oh, i know what will keep you possibly entertained! how about sometime in the next week or so, i post to the blog maybe some multi-media stuff... a track or two from the score and maybe a small downloadable clip or trailer or something. there's something to look forward to, eh?

sorry if all this sounds weird... we tend to not know exactly what to do with ourselves during these transitional times. maybe it's best we just keep our mouths (e.g. fingers (for typing on the blog)) shut during these times of not-knowingness. i dunno... what do you think?

Thursday, September 21, 2006

one other thing...

i almost forgot! we had an eleventh hour title change go through: we are now in post-post-production on "almost everything."

what do you think?

gonna leave you where i found you...

long time no bloggy, eh?

sorry about the silence, we've been racing hard and fast toward a firm deadline (which was this morning) and haven't had much time for anything else. really.

but, so, yeah... a brief up-date on where it's at:

our shiny new post-production audio master, noah davis, has done some spectacular work on our tracks and we've now got a pretty damn clean soundtrack.

ljb and dana bourland have composed and recorded some perfect clips of score and they are all placed and pretty well mixed into the film. (one or two will likely be revised before the officius release, but they pretty much nailed everything the first time out.)

ljb also recently spent a long weekend (with mike and anthony) mixing and recording over-dubs for a parks & recreation b-side, love and war, which plays lovingly over our closing credits.

and finally, we've reached a sort of stopping point for now. is there still work to be done? sure, there is. but it's finesse work - tweaking some colors and replacing a demo track of source music with proper studio track, that sort of thing. and being that we're momentarily happy with where the movie's at, we've decided to send off the first festival application. i'm not saying which festival we sent it to first, but it's probably pretty obvious... we should be able to report on our rejection by the first week of december or so. the next festival submission we're looking at is november, so between now and then we should be able to wrap up a the little things and start screening the film for family and friends (public screenings will be announced once we figure all that business out... later. but don't expect anything really until probably early next year.)

thanks for checking in with us!

Thursday, July 20, 2006

new and exciting...

OPEN CALL: Short Films for Benefit DVD

Grammar School Pictures is collaborating with Antoine Doinel Records on a cd/dvd package to benefit SMART, a non-profit early literacy program in Oregon.

The title of the project is Guilty Pleasures and we are asking interested parties to submit a short scene (5 minutes or less) from their favorite cheesy movie, re-created or re-imagined in their own style (basically, a "cover" of the scene - like Wes Anderson's Rushmore-style MTV Movie Awards commercials, for example).

The final due date for all submissions is October 23, 2006. By that date, all films should be delivered in Quicktime .mov format (no larger than 900 mb) on either data-dvd or cd to:

Matt Knapp
Grammar School Pictures
2368 W Burnside St ste. 209
Portland, OR 97210

Since this is a charity project, we can offer no cash prizes, but the selected filmmakers will receive 10 copies of the final product and, of course, a credit.

If you plan on submitting a scene, please register by emailing your name, the name of the film you are covering, and a brief description of the scene to: Please direct any inquiries to the same email address.

Thanks and good luck!

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

no news/good news

not much to report these days - toiling away on the minutia, as it were. new musical additions have been presented by dana bourland and ljb, and i'm really excited about where our original score is going. also, made a few editorial changes to some source music - nothing major really to speak of, just tweaks and a couple of substitutions. and we've got a firm deadline now - september 25 is the absolute last day for a dvd of our fine motion picture to be arriving in the hands of the good folks at sundance (so that they may watch it and have a mild chuckle before tossing our dvd in the waste basket and crushing our hopes of escaping our lousy day jobs by way of major film festival glory). that's all for now. sorry to be sooooooo boring.

oh, also: i showed the little niece and nephew a few of alicia's scenes on sunday. while 4-year-old dennis was distracted (though strongly insistent that i continue playing the movie), it appears as if we've won over a fan with 2-year-old emma (who couldn't even sit through Cars! take THAT pixar!). so i guess we know our demographic now...

Monday, June 26, 2006


also, lest you think we intend to rest on our laurels when this somethingness is all said and done. the last line of the next thing is currently: "are you contractually obliged to be an asshole, or is that still a hobby?"

more on that later...

cutting syllables

we've been working on adr (automated dialog replacement, for you laymen) and foley (original sound effects) for the last week or so, and so far:so good. the editing of this adr is really the only difficult part. there are little tricks to getting things to synch up (e.g. i prefer to leave the original "scratch" track in place and slide the adr track back and forth by a frame or two until the echo is as minimal as possible), but it's such detailed, meticulous work. it's funny, you can actually cut an entire syllable out of a word that lasts a frame or two too long and, as long as the lips synch up, the brain just fills in what's missing. the scary part is that it's impossible for me to know how these lines are going to sound to an audience. i mean, i've lived with the scratch tracks for so long that, even in their imperfections, they sound right to me. this is where our post-production audio dude/dudette comes in. hopefully, when all is said and done, he/she'll take these clean new tracks and dirty 'em up a little bit. fit them with the right amount of reverb and eq them into normalcy so they closely match our production audio.

but besides the adr, the fun part of the last couple weeks has been recording the little details: a flight attendant's announcement over the airport pa, aaron's voice mail recordings, the little whistle that joe's nose makes when he exhales with vigor.

anyway, things are coming together quite nicely. i'm about a week or so away from a locking down picture and i feel really confident in the project as a whole right now. (but this might be because i haven't shown it to anyone in quite a while - even joe just the weekend got to take a look at it for the first time in over a month.) hopefully, we'll be able to finish strong.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006


yes sir, we're doing just that well.

we (the royal we) made quick work out of that little computer blip a few weeks ago and the movie is officially back in place. all the original scenes were restored by saturday morning and by the end of the day sunday, we'd mixed in the re-shoots and pick-ups as well.

and not to sound sickeningly positive, but i think the time off probably even did us some good. as we sat down recently with a potential post-production audio guru to watch the last tangible cut on tape, we started noticing things - places where it dragged and scenes to be jumbled up and just how fucking long are the opening credits supposed to be anyway... so, all that stuff that maybe we were too close to notice last time around is being worked on. we all feel supremely confident that this next cut will be pretty damn close to final. not quite final (what is final anyway?), but pretty damn close.

in musical new: ljb played for me a few bits of score that's he's working on and they sound fantastic! i'm very excited to see what he and mike johnson (who i believe will be tossing his musical hat into the mix at some point as well) and the inimitable dana bourland come up with for the final score. also, we've got official permission from hush records to use a few of their fantastic tracks including grave's modern 'love's a killer', blanket music's cover of 'i take on your days', and our own re-mixes of super xx man's 'garage apartment' and toothfairy's 'sorry' (as featured in the trailer). also also: the dazzling strangers, who are both dazzling and strange, have granted us license to their strangly dazzling track, 'petey libertine' in the film. exciting stuff!

stay tuned for so much more...

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

shameless plugging for friends...

dear reader,

my good friends, Parks & Recreation, who have been kind enough to provide a number of their fantastic songs to the movie are looking to play the PDX Pop Festival this summer. PDX Pop is now taking requests for bands to be put on the bill. So, if you've got the time and the inclination, please drop by PDX POP and put in a vote for the boys.

if you don't feel comfortable voting for a band you're unfamiliar with, by all means, get acquainted: P&R

thanks and godspeed.


Monday, May 15, 2006

return of the edi(ting suite)

just a quick note to say that we're back in business. thanks in part to some generous dvd pre-orders, we've managed to replace and repair our editing system and are well on our way to reconstructing the missing scenes from the film. reconstruction should be complete within the next couple of weeks, if all goes according to jim belushi.

additionally, re-shoots last weekend went extremely well. the two revised scenes and one additional mini-scene are going to work beautifully, i know it. all that's left is some foley, a little bit of adr, and a days worth of random pick-up shots, and we'll be absolutely finished with the production end of things.

that's all for now... except that (and this is the last time i'll mention it) our paypal account is still ready and willing to help you buy a small portion of artistic credibility... see below for instructions.

buy for now.

Friday, April 28, 2006

so that happened.

hi gang...

just a few quick notes...

1. there's a much better quality version (quicktime!) of the teaser trailer up on our myspace page (and if you're on myspace, be our friend!).

2. my imac died! after less than 1 year! last week it just wouldn't boot. initial trouble shooting by the genius bar at my local apple store indicated it was merely a problem with the power source, however yesterday they called to tell me that my hard drive was ruined as well! this was a major concern since most of the movie was on that hard drive. however, i also have an external drive i use and, luckily, i had saved a copy of the project file and about 40% of the footage on that external drive. so... long story short, i had to arm wrestle the manager of the apple store to get my old hard drive back (they're holding my imac unrepaired until i return it - bastards) so that i could explore my options for (unfortunately costly) data recovery. needless to say, this is a set back. assuming macforce can recover nothing (without having to send it to a drive recovery lab), i'm staring down about a month's worth of work to reconstruct my last cut. plus bills for attempted data recovery, software replacement, etc... which leads me to...

3. grammar school pictures is now accepting donations. for $20 you can pre-order a copy of the dvd (which we will ship by the end of september). for $50 you can purchase a "special thanks" credit (and receive a copy of the dvd). for $150 you can purchase an "associate producer" credit (and receive a copy of the dvd). for $300 you can purchase a "co-producer" credit (and receive a copy fo the dvd). and for $500 we'll credit you as an "executive producer", send you a copy of the dvd, and invite you to the premiere. take some time... think it over. when you decide how much you'd like to give, simply send it via paypal to: we'll send you an email confirming your donation and it's associated credit. thanks for your support.

okay. that's all for now... hopefully i'll have more good news to post next time.


Thursday, April 06, 2006

teaser trailer!

so this is pretty rough... no real sound work done and youtube doesn't provide the highest quality video (and it slips the audio out a sync a little too)... but, irregardless, here you go...

Thursday, March 30, 2006

done with all that.

alright people: by popular demand we are officially ending this back and forth over a new title. the votes have been counted (all one of them) and the new official title is ... somethingness.

take it or leave it. or comment on it.

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

boring you and me: more potential titles

i'm not exactly trying to beat a dead horse, or drive away the few of you who actually read this drivel on occassion, but... the title issue has not yet been resolved.

here's a fresh batch of words/phrases under consideration:

- distraction
- all you need is me (courtesy of reclinerland)
- directions
- idle
- returns/returning/return
- hesitation
- backspace (i've bounced this one around for a while - and i kind of like it)
- the lack (does no one like 'the lack'?!? am i really that much of a freak?)
- somethings
- somethingness (yes, i'm serious...)

in other title news: 'how it ends' is out of the running for the picture as it has been reassigned to another potential future project.

thanks for putting up with us.

Monday, March 20, 2006

something else?

how does anybody feel about "bent" as a title...



general misgivings?

Wednesday, March 08, 2006


maybe you don't like 'the post-graduate' but can't bring your fine selves to tell us that it's a terrible title... we've been considering that possibility and have decided to let you in on the whole brain-storming process... below is a list of words/phrases/concepts that we've considered... let us know if anything sticks or whatever. please! thank you! you're welcome!

the list starts now:
- incomplete
- a work in progress
- in limbo
- spinning wheels
- plans
- digression
- stray
- parenthetical
- the long finish
- the end
- misdirection
- all the high school girls
- a momentary lapse of reason
- the post-graduate
- the lack
- dating two girls at once while you're trying to work out your own issues probably isn't a great idea
- how it ends
- perspective (or a lack thereof)
- this is your only second chance
- twenty-five
- changes
- ...
- full circle

so... what do you think?

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

so there's that...

in the on-going debate over potential new titles for the film, joe and i have tossed a bunch of different ideas around. this afternoon, one of them kind of stuck...

the post-graduate

i'm not going to say anything else about the title, but i would strongly encourage feedback (give us first impressions and then sit on it for a couple days and check back in, if you don't mind).


Tuesday, February 28, 2006

um... i'm not sure about that shot/line/piece of music/scene/character/sub-plot/sequence/act/whole movie

so yeah... my head's still spinning a touch from the super-small screening we had on sunday (and also the multiple beers i used to drown my anxiety). it was the first time we'd shown the film to anyone besides select members of our immediate families and it was a little nerve-wracking. special thanks to richard and payam for their objective commentary (being that they were the only ones who didn't really know the story and hadn't worked (much, in the case of payam) on the film prior to seeing it).

it went well, i think for only being a second cut... the highlights/lowlights:

1. payam starts giggling during my very brief cameo and proclaiming that i "look like a child molestor" (ed. note: not true. in no way does mr. knapp resemble a child molestor, nor is he playing a child molestor in the film in question.)

2. as soon as the movie's over, payam calls me out on my over-use of dramatic pauses. (apparently, somehow during the editing process i fell in love with structuring the scenes as follows: medium shot or close-up that jumps right into the dialogue; more med/cu shots as conversion continues; final joke/moment in cu; end on a very long wide shot in which nothing happens except for the characters looking at each other silently. this structure, while fine to highlight the occasional dramatic moment, may not be the best selection for EVERY THIRD SCENE.)

3. during conversation, everyone at the table suggests shortening/deleting a shot at the end of a particular scene. i look down at my own notes where i have underlined three times, my own thoughts for the scene: EXPAND THE END SHOT.

4. joe reminds everyone for the fifth time to refer to his character as "colin" and not as "joe".

5. issues arise regarding a scene in which joe fights with a middle-aged man, who slugs him (off-camera) resulting in joe having a black eye for the rest of the film. it's suggested that the scene simply does not work - which, on some level, i think joe and i were always aware of (that scene went through about three drastic revisions, including a final one five days before we shot it). however, if we cut it, it will leave a distracting gap in the continuity of the film (the black eye is discussed with other characters, but i really think something like that (at least as it relates to the tone/flow of our story) needs to be at least partially witnessed by the audience. richard suggested that a few editing changes (keeping the pace quick and steady through the entire sequence, and cutting down on the fight scene) might make it work... but there are also some sound issues to deal with. so, we're probably looking at another scene to re-shoot (the tally is at three so far), although this particular one will actually require significant scripted revisions to the dialogue/tone of the scene.

okay... i'm getting the anxiety again about all the work that still lies ahead. ultimately, i think we're still on solid ground. lots of work left to go (duh), but we have plenty of time to do it well. and, most importantly, nobody was too confused or throught that it outright sucked. so, yeah... i'm taking a few days off from the whole thing to kind of clear my head. then, it's back to work. (by the way, february marked the two-year anniversary of the project... it was during a triangular road trip from salem to los angeles to salt lake city to salem that i came up with the initial characters and concepts that became our currently untitled film.)

Friday, February 24, 2006

the point of a democracy

by the way, we finished that first cut weeks ago. and we're already well into the second draft.

there's music now - lots and lots of music. i think i've placed about 10 pieces of source music, some of which is legitimized by handshakes with gentlemen, the rest will hopefully not be too expensive. of course, we've got lots of p&r in the mix (and more still to come (hopefully including some by-request, unreleased b-sides and re-mixes) - there's also a very nice blanket music cover of a corrina repp song, some older reclinerland tunes, an amina track, and, finally, the stuff that will probably drain a fair portion of our post-production budget: belle and sebastian's "if she wants me" over a cheery summer montage and a.c. newman's "drink to me, babe, then" over our opening credits.

so, yeah, swimmingly is an appropriate word, i think. we'll be watching various cuts with friends/family/crew members over the new couple weeks and collecting notes on improving the edit. additionally, we've got some re-shoots scheduled for may, which i'm actually looking forward to. second chances are A+ in my book - especially with 9 months of hindsight... we'll be re-working two scenes specifically and i'm very much looking forward to bettering my shot selections and finding more active and interesting environments for the scenes in question. besides that it's all music and audio sweetening and then we're off...

keep checking in on occasion... and also look us up on myspace if you like (we're too lazy and insecure in our html to post an actually link here...) - hopefully we'll have some clips circulating on our myspace page as well as our home page ( within the next few weeks.

until next time...

Friday, January 27, 2006


it's been nearly that long since i updated, it seems. but, as i think i've disclaimed previously - it's largely mental, this work i've been doing.

the good news (and briefly!): literally, just a handful of scenes remain before i have the first cut assembled! of course, none of you will get to see that cut... but i think i'm very well on target for the first super-rough cut test screening that is penciled in for february 25th. but don't feel bad if you don't get an invitation - we're keeping a pretty tight lid on things until it's fairly well-polished... trust me, it's for the best.

besides that, i have a somewhat firm promise from ljb that the scoring will begin early next week upon deliver of the aforementioned first cut. and, speaking of music, (and i may be opening a can of worms here, but) if anyone out there has recommendations for mellow-like pop song or whatnot that we might get the rights to for free (man(!), that's sloppy syntax), by all means, do share...

that's about it for now.

except for one other thing: if you happen to search diligently through a popular networking website, you might just come across some stills from the film... not that we're encouraging you or anything...