Thursday, July 20, 2006

new and exciting...

OPEN CALL: Short Films for Benefit DVD

Grammar School Pictures is collaborating with Antoine Doinel Records on a cd/dvd package to benefit SMART, a non-profit early literacy program in Oregon.

The title of the project is Guilty Pleasures and we are asking interested parties to submit a short scene (5 minutes or less) from their favorite cheesy movie, re-created or re-imagined in their own style (basically, a "cover" of the scene - like Wes Anderson's Rushmore-style MTV Movie Awards commercials, for example).

The final due date for all submissions is October 23, 2006. By that date, all films should be delivered in Quicktime .mov format (no larger than 900 mb) on either data-dvd or cd to:

Matt Knapp
Grammar School Pictures
2368 W Burnside St ste. 209
Portland, OR 97210

Since this is a charity project, we can offer no cash prizes, but the selected filmmakers will receive 10 copies of the final product and, of course, a credit.

If you plan on submitting a scene, please register by emailing your name, the name of the film you are covering, and a brief description of the scene to: Please direct any inquiries to the same email address.

Thanks and good luck!

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

no news/good news

not much to report these days - toiling away on the minutia, as it were. new musical additions have been presented by dana bourland and ljb, and i'm really excited about where our original score is going. also, made a few editorial changes to some source music - nothing major really to speak of, just tweaks and a couple of substitutions. and we've got a firm deadline now - september 25 is the absolute last day for a dvd of our fine motion picture to be arriving in the hands of the good folks at sundance (so that they may watch it and have a mild chuckle before tossing our dvd in the waste basket and crushing our hopes of escaping our lousy day jobs by way of major film festival glory). that's all for now. sorry to be sooooooo boring.

oh, also: i showed the little niece and nephew a few of alicia's scenes on sunday. while 4-year-old dennis was distracted (though strongly insistent that i continue playing the movie), it appears as if we've won over a fan with 2-year-old emma (who couldn't even sit through Cars! take THAT pixar!). so i guess we know our demographic now...