Friday, September 10, 2010

Entertaining You Via The Internets

So, you know how we just wrapped shooting our web-series, Non-Essential Personnel? Maybe we forgot to mention that...

So, yeah, we just wrapped on NEP a couple of weeks ago. Tentatively, we're planning to release the first episode in January.

I know what you're thinking here - how am I going to entertain myself at work until January? How will I find any joy in my cubicle as the days turn dark and grey?

Here is your answer: Wage Slaves.

We mentioned Season One last summer when it was released and we enjoyed the show so much, we signed on to help out. While not technically a Grammar School Pictures production (the show is written, directed, and co-produced by our good friend, Chris A. Bolton), Matt worked as the Director of Photography for Season Two, and several GSP alumni make cameo appearances. It's definitely worth your time...

To make it easy on you, we've embedded the first two episodes of Season Two below. The third episode will be released next Tuesday and there are four more after that (released on subsequent Tuesdays at


Wage Slaves Season 2, Episode 1: "A Crappy Hell-Suck of a Day" from Chris A. Bolton on Vimeo.

WAGE SLAVES Season 2, Episode 2: "A Whole Lot of Calvins" from Chris A. Bolton on Vimeo.