Tuesday, November 06, 2007

i told you so.

Icebreaker is offline for now while we send it out to festivals. it will reappear in some form again. we promise.


below is our new film, JEFFERSON - ICEBREAKER.

we've submitted it for a contest on myspace (www.myspace.com/storytellerchallenge). and, since it's a contest, obviously the more people that watch the film, the better our chances of rolling into the semi-finals and getting some nice exposure.

for those of you who have myspace accounts, if you enjoy the film, we would definitely appreciate a nice comment and a positive ranking. and if you really enjoy the film, we would love for you to pass the link along to anyone else you think might like it or maybe even post/mention it on your blog or website, if you're feeling generous.

thanks, and enjoy!


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Anonymous said...

Does watching it here go into the myspace counter?

Grammar School Pictures said...

yes, it does. but the bigger factor is our "approval rating"... if you have a myspace acct, we would really appreciate it if you would click over to the video page and hit the "booyah" button for us. thanks!