Wednesday, August 24, 2005

don't look me in the eye

i've developed a twitch in the bottom lid of my left eye. it's not enormous - my eye stays open and the bottom lid just kind of vibrates for a few seconds every two minutes or so. this is not the first time this has happened. during post-production on the short films, a brave new victoria and i want to tell you, i developed a similar twitch. it lasted for a few days (until i was done editing) and then went away. unfortunately, we're looking at a few weeks until we finish production and then months of cutting and scoring and tweaking in post. my hope is that, as things settle and the picture comes together, the twitch will fade away. but if not, i'll survive. the twitch isn't too terrible and it hasn't become overly irritating. and if i'm mentally occupied, i can pretty well ignore it.

so i think we're all excited to jump back in for another weekend. it sounds like everybody had a nice break and i know, at least for me, it was a good chance to open a few windows and let some fresh air in. i've got a few new ideas for the remainder of our scenes and a tweak or two for some stuff we've already shot.

i think the hardest part about this production has been the distance between the first day and the last day (as well as the distance between each spurt of production - 2 on, 5 off is officially not the way to go). it'll be nice to have the full effect of two months' worth of shifting weather... but next time i think we'll try to keep things compact. (and hopefully, next time, none of us will have to suffer through day jobs during production.)

so yeah... nothing terribly interesting to say at this point... i'll let you know how the weekend goes. we do have a few pictures to show off, tho, and maybe a still or two... i'll get those up soon.


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