Tuesday, August 09, 2005

once more... in a black wig

remember last week when i mentioned that lucy ellen moe had her cameo in the film (as a waitress who flirts with aaron/mike). well... funny story... on saturday she actually filmed her second cameo in the film: a waitress serving colin/joe and aaron/mike at another bar - which was fine because you don't get to see her face in that scene, just her shoulders/back). then on sunday she filmed her third cameo in the film: one of april's yuppie friends who attends her vegan barbeque and cocktail party. now why is lucy now vying with payam (have i told you about payam? probably not - more on him later) for the most non-speaking appearances in the film? several reasons, actually... we are running short on extras (if any of you anonymous readers are interested in appearing in a minor motion picture - please drop us a line asap) and our extras coordinator, yona, was out of town this week and therefore not as effective as usual at rounding up the strangers. additionally, the 48 hour film project was in portland this weekend, and seemed to consume a good portion of the city's resources. plus, the apartment we were shooting in is apparently not very easy to find and so one or two of our volunteers lost their ways. so we were one party-goer short of our minimum - and, being that we had a black lady's wig lying around, and lucy was our only spare crew member... anyway, the shot turned out pretty well, with a nice variety of people and, without much direction from myself, the few extras we had did a fantastic job of not only looking natural in their environment but coordinating their actions with the dolly and pan of the camera. i only hope that my handling of the camera was smooth enough and at an appropriate speed (oh yeah, i was running camera again this weekend as gerry was out of the country on family business).

so there's plenty more to talk about, i'm sure. but i'm rather fatigued and have a large stack of papers staring me down right now... so, i'm going to let you all go on with your lives and i will share more later (including our plans for payam and insight into the shirtless life of mike johnson).

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