Thursday, March 30, 2006

done with all that.

alright people: by popular demand we are officially ending this back and forth over a new title. the votes have been counted (all one of them) and the new official title is ... somethingness.

take it or leave it. or comment on it.

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

boring you and me: more potential titles

i'm not exactly trying to beat a dead horse, or drive away the few of you who actually read this drivel on occassion, but... the title issue has not yet been resolved.

here's a fresh batch of words/phrases under consideration:

- distraction
- all you need is me (courtesy of reclinerland)
- directions
- idle
- returns/returning/return
- hesitation
- backspace (i've bounced this one around for a while - and i kind of like it)
- the lack (does no one like 'the lack'?!? am i really that much of a freak?)
- somethings
- somethingness (yes, i'm serious...)

in other title news: 'how it ends' is out of the running for the picture as it has been reassigned to another potential future project.

thanks for putting up with us.

Monday, March 20, 2006

something else?

how does anybody feel about "bent" as a title...



general misgivings?

Wednesday, March 08, 2006


maybe you don't like 'the post-graduate' but can't bring your fine selves to tell us that it's a terrible title... we've been considering that possibility and have decided to let you in on the whole brain-storming process... below is a list of words/phrases/concepts that we've considered... let us know if anything sticks or whatever. please! thank you! you're welcome!

the list starts now:
- incomplete
- a work in progress
- in limbo
- spinning wheels
- plans
- digression
- stray
- parenthetical
- the long finish
- the end
- misdirection
- all the high school girls
- a momentary lapse of reason
- the post-graduate
- the lack
- dating two girls at once while you're trying to work out your own issues probably isn't a great idea
- how it ends
- perspective (or a lack thereof)
- this is your only second chance
- twenty-five
- changes
- ...
- full circle

so... what do you think?

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

so there's that...

in the on-going debate over potential new titles for the film, joe and i have tossed a bunch of different ideas around. this afternoon, one of them kind of stuck...

the post-graduate

i'm not going to say anything else about the title, but i would strongly encourage feedback (give us first impressions and then sit on it for a couple days and check back in, if you don't mind).
